Join Ezus today
Request a demo today and discover how our software can help you reach new heights.
Provide your clients with a dedicated interactive space: easy access to travel details, personalization, simplified communication, secure transactions, and reinforcement of your identity.
Give your customers access to a dedicated space containing all the information about their trip.
Project your brand image in the customer area and offer a personalized experience with ease.
Give your travelers access to all the information they need.
Personalize this space by configuring it and make it unique to the project.
Optimize your time by using our features and our client space dedicated to your traveler.
Simplify interactions with your customers and manage payments securely.
Access the traveler space on any device for an optimal user experience.
Vous devez jongler avec des règles de TVA souvent complexes, surtout si vous travaillez à l’international. Grâce à Ezus, automatisez la gestion de la TVA intracommunautaire.
Ezus s’adapte aux spécificités du régime spécial des agences de voyages (marge) et gère automatiquement la TVA selon la localisation de vos partenaires.
Évitez les erreurs et les litiges grâce à un système qui applique instantanément le bon taux de TVA, même pour les collaborations internationales.
Toutes vos données budgétaires et vos factures sont centralisées, ce qui vous permet de gagner du temps et de réduire les tâches administratives manuelles.
En évitant tout oubli ou mauvaise application de la TVA, vous protégez votre rentabilité et renforcez votre professionnalisme.
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? Consultez notre article détaillé pour découvrir comment Ezus vous aide à gérer la TVA au sein de l’UE
Simplify the customer experience with a single space bringing together all the essential travel information.
Project your brand image and offer a unique experience by adapting the customer area to your visual identity.
Easily access all necessary documents and generate proposals, invoices and vouchers in one click.
At BDMX we love working with Ezus!
I recommend Ezus to all travel agencies !
Software that's easy to learn & a team that's available and efficient!
Ezus has enabled us to significantly improve the presentation of our programmes!
It's a pleasure to work with the Ezus team!
Ezus has been an effective support to our tourism operation !
What types of documents can I include in the client space?
Can I publish and unpublish the client space as needed?
Can travelers access their client space at any time?
How can I use the client space to facilitate online payments?
Can I create a personalized URL for each traveler?
How can I customize the client space for my travelers?
Request a demo today and discover how our software can help you reach new heights.