Join Ezus today
Request a demo today and discover how our software can help you reach new heights.
Strengthen your clients relationships by centralizing interactions and loyalty strategies.
Simplify clients management with a scalable interface.
Optimize your clients management with our tailored directory, ideal for BtoB and BtoC.
Optimize your customer management with our tailored directory, ideal for BtoB and BtoC.
Access the traveler list, assign rooms, and customize displays to suit your needs.
View important information about your projects and collaborators at a glance.
An interactive CRM that can be adapted to your needs and your clients.
Collaborate in real-time with your team through our CRM, sharing and synchronizing client data instantly.
Easily integrate Ezus with various tools to automate your projects and improve your operations.
Vous devez jongler avec des règles de TVA souvent complexes, surtout si vous travaillez à l’international. Grâce à Ezus, automatisez la gestion de la TVA intracommunautaire.
Ezus s’adapte aux spécificités du régime spécial des agences de voyages (marge) et gère automatiquement la TVA selon la localisation de vos partenaires.
Évitez les erreurs et les litiges grâce à un système qui applique instantanément le bon taux de TVA, même pour les collaborations internationales.
Toutes vos données budgétaires et vos factures sont centralisées, ce qui vous permet de gagner du temps et de réduire les tâches administratives manuelles.
En évitant tout oubli ou mauvaise application de la TVA, vous protégez votre rentabilité et renforcez votre professionnalisme.
Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? Consultez notre article détaillé pour découvrir comment Ezus vous aide à gérer la TVA au sein de l’UE
Consolidate all clients information in one place for simplified management.
Share and access clients data with your team in real-time for increased efficiency.
Automate the creation and management of clients projects to save time and reduce errors.
At BDMX we love working with Ezus!
I recommend Ezus to all travel agencies !
Software that's easy to learn & a team that's available and efficient!
Ezus has enabled us to significantly improve the presentation of our programmes!
It's a pleasure to work with the Ezus team!
Ezus has been an effective support to our tourism operation !
How does Ezus facilitate collaboration among my team members?
How does Ezus help me manage my travelers?
How can I track all ongoing projects and tasks with Ezus?
Can Ezus be integrated with other tools I already use?
Can I customize client files in Ezus?
How does Ezus centralize my client information?
Request a demo today and discover how our software can help you reach new heights.