Inside Ezus

We've changed our name for Ezus

We've changed our name for Ezus

Yes, it is with great emotion that we abandon our old name Esus! The change is not so radical for you, since we are changing to Ezus.

Why did we change our name when we loved it?

The idea had been in our minds for a long time, and the unexpected confinement of spring 2020 pushed us to make some major choices, including this name change.

We had identified 3 major problems with the name:

  • The first and most important was that we didn't have enough visibility on Google because Esus's searches in France were focused on state approval (Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale). Even if in number of visits (traffic) we had exceeded the 1000/month mark, it was still insufficient contrary to our initial forecasts. In order to go more in depth on this technical subject, we recovered the opinion of experts and decided to publish our analysis on Maddyness. Here's the article for the curious: Should I change the name of my company if Google doesn't bring it up in the results?

  • When the company started in 2018 we had been thinking about the name for a long time and for us "Esus" was the jackpot! In 4 letters and easily memorable since it was close to "Croesus" or "Jesus" it was an asset. However, in French some people had the dubious and connoted pronunciation... Internationally, the word is used to designate the god Esus.

  • Internationally, the word is used to designate the god Esus.
The celtic god Esus.

We're not going to hide from you that we didn't know: on the contrary! He is the God of Life and sometimes of Travel among the Celts, which is why we chose him in the first place (not to mention his presence at Astérix & Obélix).

But there's still too much research associated with it, and it's doing us a disservice.

The verdict was in.

Why then Ezus ?

Again, for 3 excellent reasons (without considering the list to choose a name), we've changed from Esus to Ezus.

  • The change is not so radical, and pronunciation is no longer a problem in French and English! Our users always find their way around, knowing that Ezus (formerly Esus) is software for tour and event organizers.

  • We no longer have a Google search handicap with this name. In other words, our rank in the pages (SERP) should allow us to have our digital shop window on the 1st page with our name. And that's not nothing ...

  • Who knew that Ezus means "hedgehog" in Lithuanian ? When we learned it, it made sense, big fans that we are of the hedgehog theory to conduct his business.

           Don't you know what we're talking about? Go quickly read this article by Jim Collins  "The Hedgehog Concept" that he develops in Good to Great (great classic of startup literature).

2 types of Startups: the Fox or the Hedgehog.
  • A little extra: we always keep a connotation of the Gods because if we invert the letters, we find ... Zeus 😉  

What does it change?

For you, not much. You can still visit us via our new website: and connect via

See you very soon,
Ezus' (hedgehogs) team 🧡

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