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Jan 2024
minutes of reading
Yes! That's what all your customers should say when talking about you.
They should also feel a sense of excitement and satisfaction long before they go on vacation or travel thanks to you!
Conversely, there's no counting the number of documents published in the wind, and proposals lost in advance...
The proposal you send your prospect will be decisive for your agency's brand.
It's important to pay attention to it, and that's why we will look at how you can make the most of your chances!
The critical moment in the sales process is the proposal: according to P-Val Conseil and their study carried out on a sample of 150 participants, this accounts for 35% of the traveler's final decision!
Drawing up a sales proposal is therefore a necessary step in the sales process, in order to validate the customer's needs and enable them to project themselves with your services.
The sales proposal is indispensable in customer acquisition.
It's not a quotation, which only mentions the budgetary and contractual aspects, but a presentation of the service that will be offered by the agency's services.
This will be read, compared with your competitors and shared internally, to be studied by those who don't yet have an opinion about your company.
We're talking about selling dreams, so the proposal has to stick to them! ✨
This commercial support will give a foretaste of the type of travel proposed, the values conveyed, the care taken in your services and your company's identity.
And since we're buying the expertise of the Professional Organizer, whether it's a traditional Travel Agency, a specialized Tour Operator, a Destination Management Company (DMC), an Event Agency or even a Travel Planner, it's important that this shines through in your proposal, so that it's as convincing as possible.
➡️ In short, the proposal is:
As a general rule, the proposal should be detailed, personalized and reflect your company's image, but certain formats are more appropriate for the type of travel you sell & your target market.
Selling a tour means selling a detailed itinerary and program including transport, accommodation, catering & specific activities.
To present a tour proposal well, you need to:
📜 Recommended format :
In order to describe the course of the trip well, a Portrait document will be favored by presenting with at a minimum, text and images for each stage of the trip.
If the stay is of short duration, then a Landscape document will favor images over text.
💡Bonus :
More and more software solutions are making it possible to share the trip in a digital format, as the Voyageurs du Monde agency does, for example.
Ezus is one of these solutions, allowing you to automate the creation of these documents, saving you considerable time, and increasing your conversion by +25%!
Selling a private trip is first and foremost selling a destination, a travel theme coupled with agency services.
Here, the target is mainly BtoC, with individuals, groups of friends, families or couples with more or less substantial budgets: below is a breakdown of the different budgets per traveler, complementing data from Harris Interactive :
Presenting a private travel proposal well means:
📜 Recommended format :
In order to impress and project your customer on his journey, form is sometimes better than content. So adopt a landscape format with a minimum of text and a quality design.
💡Bonus :
Save your customers time: print out a quote, offer them plane tickets, make it easy for them to sign their registration form/contract of sale.
And don't forget to play up the agency's values & services, which are sometimes akin to concierge services!
Selling business travel means presenting a quality commercial proposal, precise and specific to the company's needs. The end customer will be looking for a return on investment with HR, commercial or communication objectives.
Generally speaking, we're talking about the MICE (Meetings, Incentive, Conferences, Exhibitions) sector, with the possibility of addressing both groups of all sizes (SMEs, ETIs and/or Major Groups), often on the themes of reward travel, team building, seminars, galas or product promotion; and individual workers in the case of Travel Management / Business Trip.
Presenting a business travel proposal well means :
📜 Recommended format :
Although more modern solutions exist, the traditional tool is Powerpoint, so landscape format will be the norm. It's important to follow the company's codes and adopt a presentation medium that can be shared within the customer's team, accessible on different media (computer, projectors, tablets...)
The form of your document should be more structured than in the case of a BtoC travel proposal.
💡Bonus :
Be reactive and available to go back and forth on your proposal during negotiation/validation. And take an interest in your customer's corporate culture, so as to match it as closely as possible.
Selling a honeymoon means selling an exceptional, unforgettable experience for the happy couple!
Presenting a honeymoon proposal well means :
📜 Recommended format :
Just as in a private travel format, the landscape format is widely favored because of its visual prominence.
💡Bonus :
Highlight testimonials from former customers. A tool like TripAdvisor, Google Reviews or Trustpilot lets you centralize your reviews.
Selling an organized departure is above all selling an organization, an event to a group of individuals united by the same passion.
To present GIRs or organized departure proposals properly, you need to :
📜 Recommended format :
A portrait document is recommended in the case of GIRs with a detailed program, especially as sales can often be made via specific distribution networks: associations, local authorities, existing groups, etc.
💡Bonus :
Enable easy sharing of travel documents (so that one participant can invite another, all the more viral if a discount is applied).
Manage registration directly on your website.
Selling an associative trip means selling a group trip based on a particular theme or need, usually with a contact who has already identified the ins and outs of his trip.
Presenting a proposal for an associative trip means:
📜 Recommended format :
Depending on your target audience, opt for landscape format for professional or student associations, or portrait format for thematic associations (sports, cultural). In the first case, the visual is more important, in the second, it's often the description of the steps that's important.
💡Bonus :
Keeping good track of the history of exchanges and establishing a relationship of trust over time is the key to success.
Logically, your travel sales proposal will have to be adapted in content and form to suit your target, and to establish a personalized customer relationship.
A few tips in this regard:
For a simple proposal, send a reply within 24 hours. You can take longer for a complex proposal. To be faster than your competitors, make sure you've set up quick and easy templates for generating sales proposals.
Ezus offers several templates you can draw inspiration from, or customize to your image. For more information and precise illustrations of our services, book a demo!
Use high-quality visuals to stand out and sell the dream from the very first seconds of reading, allowing potential travelers to project themselves into the proposed experience.
If there's one page to read, it's this one, summarizing everything from the quotation to the various excursions.
The people who will read your proposal haven't necessarily followed the sales process from the beginning. It should therefore include all the information exchanged during the project study phase, so that they can easily understand the proposal.
Your prospect needs to assess whether you've understood his or her needs, and to understand what added value you provide over and above the selected service providers.
This is the trickiest part for you, as it involves assessing your service as best you can so that it's accepted by the customer, without making concessions on your rates.
Try replacing your customer's name with another. If your document looks interchangeable, it's not targeted enough!
So tailor your products and services to your customer's requirements. Now's the time to showcase your expertise as a project manager to present the right provider or services to your prospect.
Some of your customers already know in detail what they want for their trip, while others don't. For those who don't, you can give them the opportunity to think outside the box by creating their own personalized travel project using Typeform and Ezus. Find out more in this article.
The proposal must enable you to take action quickly, and optimize the customer experience. It must therefore contain all the necessary elements in a single document: terms and conditions, direct debit mandate, etc. And above all, the next steps must be clear.
Illustrate your proposal as fully as possible, with schedules, tours, photos, videos, etc.
To avoid weighing down the content of your sales proposal, complete it with documents in appendices.
Don't forget to include all the elements included and those not included in your proposal. Include your history, expertise and references to lend credibility to your proposal. Sales conditions are also important.
Don't waste too much time on a new customer who has contacted the whole market, or who is not yet sure of leaving. Always assess your real chances beforehand, so as not to waste your time.
Interpersonal skills are essential in the travel agent's profession, giving you confidence in your skills as a travel specialist.
Pass on your passion, your commitment and your passion for this sector!
They're easy to create, automated and reusable.
Surprise yourself with examples of travel documents made with Ezus on our Case Study page, or during a demo which will allow you at the same time to discover our software solution, enabling you to divide your document creation times by 2 and have all your personalized documents and travel management in one place.
Request a demo today and discover how our software can help you reach new heights.
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